Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Britain gave millions of pounds in aid to Putin government


In one initiative, the Department for International Development (DfID) handed over £4.5million to encourage Russian ministries to be more “efficient, effective and transparent” and improve the country’s “business environment”.
Two projects designed to encourage Russia to give more aid to other nations received £820,000. The department even funded a scheme to “enable older people” in Russia to “achieve positive change in their lives by influencing decision-makers”.
David Cameron and Justine Greening, his International Development Secretary, are coming under growing pressure to end the ring-fencing of foreign aid spending.
DfID and the Department of Health are the only Whitehall departments that have been protected from spending cuts imposed across Whitehall.
The Coalition has ended aid to Russia, China, Serbia and Cambodia, but has increased such funding for India. Many Conservative backbenchers feel it is unacceptable to give any support to India, a country with a fast-growing economy and better aircraft carriers than Britain.
The Telegraph looked at a series of projects the international development department launched in Russia under the last government.
The largest initiative, called “Russia: Public Administration Reform”, channelled British public money into four government agencies: the ministries of regional and of economic development, the federal anti-monopoly service and a body that oversees public spending.
One of the many objectives was to “improve competitiveness and [the] business environment for the private sector” in Russia.
Another stated aim was to give “support to federal
government and regions in implementing performance management and performance budgeting in line with good international practices”.
Launched in 2007, the project was finally ended by the department in March 2011. A report published later stated that although Russian officials had received training at the British taxpayers’ expense, the agencies concerned had not at that stage implemented DfID’s recommendations.
The report, which gives the project a success rating of 65 per cent, suggests the scheme ran behind schedule and extension was necessary.
“The work… was given a one-year extension to allow completion by 2011,” the evaluation reads. “By this time, DfID had no staff on the ground in Russia and no staff within the department responsible with detailed knowledge of the programme.”
As Britain’s economy sank into recession in 2009, the international development department launched its “Russia as a donor” initiative. This aimed to “support Russia in its role as an emerging donor” and received £542,813 of funding before it was wound up in March 2011.
At the same time the department gave £280,000 to Russian academics and “civil society organisations” to help “inform Russian aid programmes and policies”. It has yet to publish any reports evaluating these initiatives.
The department has also not revealed the success of £114,803 given to help the Russian equivalents of Age Concern or Saga. This initiative aimed to “enable older people to achieve positive change in their lives, and the lives of others by influencing decision makers, supported by an effective network of ageing NGOs”.
Anne Main, one of several Conservative MPs campaigning to increase the transparency of the Coalition’s aid spending, said the projects were typical of “the profligacy” and “lack of focus” of aid spending under Labour.
“I was surprised to see that the last Labour government thought it wise to spend aid money in Russia in general and particularly on these projects,” said Mrs Main.
“Our aid must be aimed at helping the neediest around the world and many of the previous government’s decisions led to money being wasted and those in need going without.
“There is still a long way to go. I still have yet to be convinced of the merits of some projects I am looking into.”

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